
Canary is a Japanese nail & eyelash salon located in Central, near by Lan Kwai Fong. Enjoy great [...]

InHK Interior Design Limited is a young and energetic design firm established since 2010. We se[...]

Tickled Pink Bridal Closet is a luxurious bridal shop providing high quality consultation service, w[...]

CATHY.L 於 2014 年遠赴法國巴黎考獲國際專業化妝師資格。畢業後一直努力發展化妝事業,曾參與多項化妝項目,包括舞台劇,時裝表演,舞台化妝等等。 Bonjour! Je suis [...]

Anovia is renowned for bridal and evening dress designs. We have dedicated ourselves to deliver exce[...]

Momo Momo Bakery 主要教導如何製作韓式唧花蛋糕,難度分淺至深,讓學員可以發揮自己心意製造一個獨一無二的蛋糕出來。 課堂上會示範 Buttercream 製作方法及注意事項,學[...]

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