Ad #104
Publish on 07-02-2017
See all ads from AdminWoWneed2017


GreenGourmet HK
聯絡電話: 25755577


GreenGourmet is a one-stop organic shop for people who are striving for a healthier life style. Infants, juveniles and even adults encounter health problems such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema and so forth. The most effective solution is to make a tiny change in your living habit by avoiding the source of allergy.

We offer a comprehensive range of quality foods and beverages, food supplements, personal care (organic beauty) and household cleaning agents made from natural materials to support you and your family to lead a lifestyle of health and sustainability. Our products are natural, organic, gluten free, fair trade and vegetarian. We aim to focus on products for customers who suffer allergy problems by focusing on gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free products. On the other hand, we carry eco-friendly products to support and inspire customers to pursue a green lifestyle.

The co-founders of GreenGourmet come from different industries whom are devoted to expedite their previous expertise in enhancing a healthier living style for the community. We are active in health promotion by supplying food ingredients and information to chefs and dietitians. We provide healthy recipes upon purchases to encourage people to make their first step to healthy lifestyle. We aim to take an active role in supporting fair trade and health events in the coming years.



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