Ad #573
Publish on 04-27-2021
See all ads from AdminWoWneed2017



Born in 2003, HABITŪ is an absolute local brand devotes to shape local coffee trends.

In the past 14 years, HABITŪ has been serving quality coffee beverages and gourmet meals to customers in Hong Kong in a cozy, soothing ambiance reminiscent of small town European cafes.

Under the brand umbrella, HABITŪ caffè, HABITŪ table and HABITŪ all day work together to craft a unique experience with exceptional interior, food and beverage designs that convey the intimacy of a beloved homegrown joint.

HABITŪ is a homegrown, lifestyle-driven brand that combines the convenience and the consistency of a coffee shop chain and the hospitality style of a cozy and tasteful cafe.

HABITŪ serves the freshest and finest cup of coffee, and for the perfect coffee pairing, it also offers a wide selection of homemade food with authentic tastes and wholesome flavors, while supporting the local community by collaborating with local farmers to bring fresh and sustainable produce to the kitchens.

Customer Service Hotline: +852 3550 0022

Corporate Solutions Hotline: +852 3550 0023



Living / Cafe

Number 9 coffee 是一間位於尖東的樓上咖啡店,店內簡約的白色主調和木製傢私提供了一個舒適的環境給顧客,因多了一個能獲得片刻寧靜之地的選擇。 坐在店內的吧枱更可以一覽樓下尖東街道[...]

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NACASA Café & Bar 日間經營咖啡店,夜晚搖身一變,則是一間酒吧,提供多款Cocktails。店面以天藍色的磚塊拼湊而成,鮮艷黃白間的簾篷,四周擺滿色彩繽紛的鮮花,非常吸睛。 小[...]